
Our First Garden....

We had a very productive weekend...Yesterday we organized and cleaned the garage and can now park both cars back in there, YAY!  Then today we made our first ever garden boxes so hopefully something will come up.  We made three garden boxes (2 sections per box) filled with carrots, radishes, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, summer squash, peas, spinach, watermelon, cucumbers and corn, and we also bought some blueberry and strawberry plants.  Ethan was a big helper with planting the seeds, some much better than others, so hopefully he will want to eat some of the veggies we planted and not just the fruit.

Ethan also got his first remote control truck, he doesn't want help though so he does a lot of circles because he wants to push both buttons at the same time.  Jeff made the boxes and I stained them.

 Ethan and Daddy planting pumpkins.


amy seifert said...

yay! very nice work you guys...sounds like a yummy garden!

Nicole said...

That's awesome! I really want to do that some year. Maybe next year :)