

I had a fun birthday weekend.  On Saturday, my birthday, I celebrated with lunch at Pine State Biscuits with J & E followed by Dolphin Tail (free tickets).
 Chicken sandwich...so yummy!!!
The biscuits were huge but E loved it with honey!

Then today I met some of my besties for lunch at Henry's followed by old school roller skating at Oaks Park.  A great day with lots of laughing!

 Cesar salad...one of my favs!
 Prawns were good and spicy!
 Burger...cutting out the carbs as it took up only half the bun...that is happy hour food for ya.
 Brandon & Nic...nice smile B!
 A& A
 A, K, & N (two of my besties)

 My love!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

O.M.G. Can you say FOOD? Where we find Vernal most lacking is in that area, although after seeing those pictures, maybe that's a good thing? I can't say that losing weight would be any easier, and I haven't found it AT ALL easy even here! Still jealous though. OH YEAH! And Happy Birthday!