
Toys, toys and more toys.

Our friends, Kit, Melinda and Thomas have once again passed along some old toys of Thomas' that are now new toys for Ethan. They are such great friends and have helped us out so much. We adore them!!! Kit brought over a car load of toys and clothes today. Ethan was so excited, I couldn't get him to look at me to take the picture.

Ethan with his buddies, a new monkey my mom gave him that doesn't have a name yet, Riley and Copper.


Charity said...

It's too funny that you left a comment. I was layind around this morning and looking at our boy boxer "Doc" and thinking how skinny he is.I was wondering who I could ask about it and you came to mind. Then when I got on here you had posted. So now for my question. What do you feed your dogs? Do you think that it is just a stage cus he looks grose to me but I remember thinking that with Kit. Anyway just wanted some advice. thanx

Charity said...

Doc will be 2 in March. He is still a puppy. It is just seeing him next to Kit that makes him look worse Im sure.I think i will try the Purina. thanx