

Rarely do I actually ever read my horoscope as most of the time it is some random array of words that in no way pertain to whatever is going on at the time, but it caught my attention today so I thought I would share it. Currently there are several things that we are waiting on, working on, and crossing our fingers for at our house so whether this pertains to any of them will remain to be seen but either way it made me wonder.

Libra's Horoscope  

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - You may experience relief when you realize how many options are available today. Ironically, your newly found freedom of choice can stabilize your current situation because you don't feel as trapped as you thought you were. However, you really don't need to make any major decisions now. Keeping multiple paths open as long as possible enables you to be better informed before making a commitment.

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