A Meme: I was tagged, so here you go...
Do you like bleu cheese? Disgusting!
Have you ever smoked? No, although some may have thought so, I have never tried it.
Do you own a gun? No, Jeff's does though, but I would really like a handgun.
Favorite type of food? Italian.
Favorite type of music? Country mostly but I will listen to almost anything.
What do you think of hot dogs? On occasion, but they have to be all beef.
Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Vacation.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or OJ.
Can you do push-ups? Yeah.
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding ring.
Favorite hobby? currently working out...I am really liking Zumba.
Do you have A. D. D.? No, but some OCD yes.
Do you wear glasses/contacts? Glasses for work.
Middle name? Don't have one.
Name three thoughts at this exact moment: I am so glad Ethan didn't have a nap today so it is totally quite other than me typing, OUCH - I am so sore from Power Sculpt yesterday and lifting and Zumba today, When will Jeff call to say he is on his way?
Name three drinks you regularly drink: Water, BL protein powder and on occasion a Coke.
Current worry? Way to many, where to start...
Current hate right now? No comment.
Favorite place to be? With my family.
How did you bring in the new year? Sick...but with our families.
Someplace you’d like to go? Mexico...just Jeff and I.
Name three people who will complete this. Whoever.
Do you own slippers? No, I prefer socks
What color shirt are you wearing? RedSox sweatshirt.
Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I do like my 700-count sheets and they are kind of silky and very soft.
Can you whistle? Not well, but yes.
Would you be a pirate? No thanks, I have issues with cleanliness.
What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever is in my head.
Favorite Girl’s Name? Addison
Favorite boy’s name? Ethan
What is in your pocket right now? I don't have pockets in these pants
Last thing that made you laugh? Ethan...he keeps me quite entertained.
What vehicle do you drive? 2000 Toyota LandCruiser, I LOVE IT!
Worst injury you’ve ever had? Pulled all the ligaments and tendons in my ankle in HS after falling in a hole in the lawn.
Do you love where you live? I like the location and I do like many things about my house but would like to move.
How many TVs do you have in your house? 4
How many computers do you have in your house? 2
If you changed your job, what would it be? I really like my job but would love to be independently wealthy.
If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? To see my family more often, Ethan to be potty trained and my foot surgery to have already been done so that my feet would stop hurting.
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