Golfing with the girls...
Today I went out golfing with my girlfriends, Amy and Gentry. We had a blast with lots of laughs and it was really nice to be just a girl out with friends for a change. Thanks for taking the pictures Amy!

A couple of years ago when I started working from home I had to get a phone line for the house. I tried Skype, which worked great for just calling to have a conversation, however, I have to dial into an automated system and dial several digits throughout a call and Skype wouldn't work for that so I had to give in to a "real" phone line. I have hated paying $47 a month for this phone as I only use it for work, so I started to check out VoIP lines (Voice over Internet Phone). I did a bit of research and decided that I would give PhonePower a try for $19.95 a month. I am so pleased with their service and product that I wanted to share the information.
For $19.95 monthly you get a free phone adapter that you install one end into your high speed internet modem and the other end into your phone. You get unlimited incoming calls and unlimited outgoing calls up to 5,000 mintues/month, and you can pick a new number or they can transfer your current phone number.
There website is: http://www.phonepower.com/
Playtime at the park
This morning Ethan and I went to play at a park in the area. Nicole and Peyton met us there and both boys had a great time climbing and playing on all the equipment.

Making some music with the chimes

Both boys are practicing their skills to become the next "American Gladiator"

No fear...he will climb anything.

Afterward we went home and had a chocolate chip cookie that daddy made last night. Of course, he always wants "moe".

Ethan was helping me clean earlier this week, he is quite the little helper.
Both boys are practicing their skills to become the next "American Gladiator"
Afterward we went home and had a chocolate chip cookie that daddy made last night. Of course, he always wants "moe".
Ethan was helping me clean earlier this week, he is quite the little helper.
First time to the dentist
Ethan had his first trip to the Pediatric dentist today. With my job I type a lot of pediatric dental surgeries with extractions and such so I wanted to be proactive. He did pretty well considering it is the dentist. She did an exam, cleaning and fluoride treatment. She said that he still had one 2-yr molar coming but overall his teeth and gums looked really good. He did especially well with the fluoride treatment, as it was cherry flavored and had to say his "mmm" when he was all done.
Like all good mom's do after going to the dentist, I took him out for ice cream....JUST KIDDING! He had his first Baskin Robbins ice cream cone (chocolate on a sugar cone) on Saturday. He hasn't figured out that you have to lick the ice cream constantly so it doesn't melt all over you but he really liked it. I thought the pictures were funny so I had to share.

Like all good mom's do after going to the dentist, I took him out for ice cream....JUST KIDDING! He had his first Baskin Robbins ice cream cone (chocolate on a sugar cone) on Saturday. He hasn't figured out that you have to lick the ice cream constantly so it doesn't melt all over you but he really liked it. I thought the pictures were funny so I had to share.
Hood River Gravenstein Apple Days
Today we drove up to Hood River to see check out Gravenstein Apple days....It wasn't as intriguing as I would have hoped, but we had a good time anyways. We went to three different locations within the "fruitloop". The "fruitloop" is a 35-mile scenic drive through the farmlands. They have 34 different locations to check out (orchards, fruit stands and winerys).
The first location we went to had u-pick fruit, which Ethan would have liked, however, he was asleep in the car and from experience we know it is best to let him sleep. We tried a slice of apple but it was really tart and since we don't bake apple pies we passed on the apples.
The second location we went was Cody Orchards Farm Stand. They had a variety of fruits and veggies to pick from as well as cider pressing, hay rides and little cars & trucks for the little ones to play with while Mommy and Daddy picked out fruit, which Ethan really liked. We bought some peaches, pears, squash, and corn. Ethan really really liked the peach. He ate almost the entire thing and was very sticky afterwards. He has started to say "mmm" when eating or drinking something that he likes. It is really funny.

The third location was Draper Girls Country Farm. It definitely was best out of the three. It had a large fruit stand as well as u-pick, horse rides and goat/sheep feeding. Ethan and I fed the sheep and goats. He can't quite figure out how to cup his hand so I had him put the food in my hand to feed them rather than him dropping it on the floor.

The first location we went to had u-pick fruit, which Ethan would have liked, however, he was asleep in the car and from experience we know it is best to let him sleep. We tried a slice of apple but it was really tart and since we don't bake apple pies we passed on the apples.
The second location we went was Cody Orchards Farm Stand. They had a variety of fruits and veggies to pick from as well as cider pressing, hay rides and little cars & trucks for the little ones to play with while Mommy and Daddy picked out fruit, which Ethan really liked. We bought some peaches, pears, squash, and corn. Ethan really really liked the peach. He ate almost the entire thing and was very sticky afterwards. He has started to say "mmm" when eating or drinking something that he likes. It is really funny.
The third location was Draper Girls Country Farm. It definitely was best out of the three. It had a large fruit stand as well as u-pick, horse rides and goat/sheep feeding. Ethan and I fed the sheep and goats. He can't quite figure out how to cup his hand so I had him put the food in my hand to feed them rather than him dropping it on the floor.
Here are some updated pictures now that everything is put back in place and all the construction has been cleaned up.
Reconstructed wall now finished.
My new office. This room used to be our bedroom and the bed took up the entire room and one of the dressers, one nightstand and the armoire had to be in other rooms throughout the house.
Ethan room, changed around a bit and 2 pieces of our bedroom set removed.
Living/Dining Room. The armoire from our bedroom set we still are using in the living room.
Jeff's office/exercise room. This is where my office used to be. It is a really nice space and has a view of Mt. Hood out the window.
Our bedroom. It is so nice to have it upstairs with almost all the furniture.
WOW, we have had a busy month and I haven't done much blogging or picture taking. We were really looking forward to our first camping trip with Ethan last weekend, however, we all got the flu instead and spent most of the weekend recovering from that. This was the first time that Ethan had been throw-up sick and boy were we in for it. He got sick in the middle of the night on Tuesday and within a couple of hours we had changed the sheets on his bed twice, our bed once, used every towel in house and had three baths. By morning he was completely fine so I thought maybe it was something he ate and so I thought we would still be able to go camping. Thursday I loaded the entire car so that Friday morning we could drop off Copper and pick up Jeff to head to the beach. I was having a hard time falling asleep on Thursday night and then about 2:30 am I got sick and was sick all day Friday. Jeff then got it on Saturday. By Sunday we were all feeling much better.
On Sunday we decided that we would again cut out some of the wall leading upstairs so that we could attempt to get the headboard of our bed upstairs. Our mattresses and bottom board of our bed have been upstairs but the headboard was another story. We got the wall cut out in a short period of time and then decided we would try to get the headboard upstairs. Cutting the wall out was the easy part. After a lot of HEAVY lifting, we made it!

We cut the wall so it is about 4 inches from the stairs on the other side. It really helped open everything up and we are so excited to have our bedroom back upstairs and not have the 6-piece set scattered throughout the house (all but 2 pieces are now in our bedroom).
Final result...our master suite is really quite large and now once again we can take full advantage of it.
Today we met our friends Amy/Hunter, Nicole/Peyton and Sherri/Miles at the zoo. All the boys had a great time running around and kept us mom's hopping. We always have gone as soon as they open for the day and the animals are always so happy to see everyone.
All three boys checking out the bobcat information.
Ethan taking a ride down the tree slide.
Water turtles.
Good thing they have the tractor and other construction equipment at the zoo or the boys would think we were there to see the animals!

Trying to get all three boys to look at the camera at the same time - HA! Nice try.
Stopping for some snacks.

Ethan's favorite...the Orangutan's. This one has been at the window every time we have been to the zoo.
Cooling off while running through the misters.
Today we were able to see the elephants play in the water. This was the first time we have this is. They looked like they were having so much fun.

Stopping for snacks and a drink.

And we always have to stop by mommy's favorite - the giraffe's.
On Sunday we decided that we would again cut out some of the wall leading upstairs so that we could attempt to get the headboard of our bed upstairs. Our mattresses and bottom board of our bed have been upstairs but the headboard was another story. We got the wall cut out in a short period of time and then decided we would try to get the headboard upstairs. Cutting the wall out was the easy part. After a lot of HEAVY lifting, we made it!
We cut the wall so it is about 4 inches from the stairs on the other side. It really helped open everything up and we are so excited to have our bedroom back upstairs and not have the 6-piece set scattered throughout the house (all but 2 pieces are now in our bedroom).
Today we met our friends Amy/Hunter, Nicole/Peyton and Sherri/Miles at the zoo. All the boys had a great time running around and kept us mom's hopping. We always have gone as soon as they open for the day and the animals are always so happy to see everyone.
Today we were able to see the elephants play in the water. This was the first time we have this is. They looked like they were having so much fun.
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